
They say opposites attract.. they also say for every positive there is a negative… not sure what that all means or what it could pertain to in this blog… but…

These are my opposites:

I love the SNOW and how it looks as it’s falling…nothing is more beautiful than fresh SNOW on the trees… but I hate the COLD, hate being COLD… and I get COLD quite often-so very frustrating 😦

I love the RAIN…love watching it fall, especially those summer and spring showers that bring the rainbows…but I truly hate getting WET…I cannot stand water on my face or the feel of WET clothes on my body

I love the sound of THUNDER…I love the booms and the cracks in the night sky…but I hate  LOUD NOISES…I hate the way they make me jump outta my skin

I love THRILLERS… I actually loved The Strangers, The Last House on the Left, and wish for the making of a movie based on the true events of Cabin 28-The Keddie Murders.  Not the documentary that has been done.. but an actual scary-ass, THRILLER!  Anyway, I love these kinds of movies.  I can’t get enough of them… but I absolutely HATE being SCARED out of my mind!  I hate the way I feel when someone is about to get killed…hate the edge of your seat SCARY! But I do that to myself all the time. 

I love any kind of LEMON dessert.  I love lemon bread, lemon bundt cake, and lemon bars… but I absolutely hate LEMON candy!  I don’t know why, especially since I used to love lemon heads.  But I always toss the yellow, lemon candy out.  DOTS, Gobstoppers, and gummy’s.  They all get the boot!

I love watching SPORTS.  I get crazy watching football, especially the Vikings.  I love watching the Wild play, but live at the Excel rather than on the television.  I love watching baseball, but, again, live at the stadium rather than on t.v.  The olympics, whether it’s summer or winter, I love watching…but I don’t like to PLAY sports.  I bowl, but I don’t think that is really considered a SPORT.  I love to ski, but I haven’t since I was in highschool and really don’t have the motivation to get out there in the COLD and ski.  I always PLAYED SPORTS without issue in school, but I just don’t care for PLAYING now that I am an old woman ;). 

I love to TRAVEL!  I love getting out and just going somewhere…anywhere!  I love seeing new places and experiencing new adventures…but I hate DRIVING.  If I were flying everywhere – no problem.  I love to fly.  But I hate long car rides.  In fact, I get car sick after about 2 hours of drive time. 

I love to GAMBLE.   I love the rush, the feeling of excitement when I am winning!  But I hate LOSING my money.  I don’t like the idea that the money I have worked hard for is getting put into a slot machine with terrible odds of winning. 

I love the SMELL of coffee when it’s brewing!  Butter Pecan, French Vanilla, Chocolate Raspberry, and Amaretto!  My God, I love the SMELL of coffee!  I just cannot stand how coffee TASTES!  Yuck!  How in the world can something SMELL so wonderfully delicious yet TASTE so horribly bad?

I love real MAYONNAISE.  I use MAYO in so many things.  I use it as a grilling sauce with BBQ or other flavored marinades.  I use it in my potato salad, tuna salad, dips, on burgers, and in egg salad.  But I hate the “tangy zip” of MIRACLE WHIP! EEWWWW!  I grew up with MIRACLE WHIP, so one would think that would be a love of mine.  Nope!  Yuck!  And the worst part of this is that every time I want MAYO when I am out and about – all I get offered is MIRACLE WHIP.

I love TOMATOES.  I put TOMATOES in so many things I cook.  I eat them plain with a little salt and pepper, or on a small bowl of cottage cheese.  They are even wonderful when sliced and placed between 2 slices of toast slathered with MAYO, salt and pepper!  But I hate KETCHUP!  Eww!  Anytime I have ketchup it has to be mixed with something.. anything… now a thought just ran through my mind.. KETCHUP and MIRACLE WHIP – I think I just threw up in my mouth!  I don’t even like buying that shit. 

I love working DAY shift.  I love the fact I am at work by 6am, off at 2:30pm, and home by 3.  I still have so much of the day left to get whatever I need done.  I am home in time to relax before I start dinner, and early enough to get a couple loads of laundry done.  Problem is, I hate it when my alarm goes off at 4:45am.  I hate GETTING UP so damn early!   Even on my days off my internal alarm clock is going off at 5am.  I complain every morning I have to GET UP by 5am. 

And lastly… I love to WATER SKI.  I love jumping the waves, going slalom, the feel of the wind on my face, oh – the faster the better!  But I am terrified of OPEN, DARK, WATER…. I am terrified of what is below me.  I am terrified that something from down below is going to grab my feet and pull me under – like Jason. 

Or that some morphed out shark that was dumped in the lake long ago is going to bite off half my body.  Or worse yet, a giant alligator gone crazy is going to come up to the surface, grab me and go into a death roll in the dark depths of the otherwise quiet lake… Yes, I have seen Jaws, Friday the 13th, Open Water 1 & 2, and Lake Placid.  Just thinking about the DEEP DARK WATER gives me the chills….

So these are my OPPOSITES, if you can call them that.  I think most people have their loves, but get held back because of their fears or dislikes for one reason or another… at least I can only hope I am not the only freak out there 🙂

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